It’s crucial for brands to keep up with this trend in order to stay competitive, to create a long lasting and trusted relationship with their consumers.
“it can reduce customer acquisition costs by as much as 50 percent, lift revenues by 5 to 15 percent, and increase marketing ROI by 10 to 30 percent. (source)“
In the SAP Emarsys platform with ESL you can use Personalization Tokens, Conditional texts, Omnichannel Voucher Codes to add personalization to your marketing campaigns.
Let’s have a look at how a personalized email looks like with ESL.
In this email here are the personalization elements:
{{ contact.label.46 | required }} {{contact.1|default('Friend') }}
2. Conditional text:
{% if contact.5 == 2 %} We have a wide range of skirts and high heel shoes that are perfect for any occasion.
{% elseif contact.5 == 1 %}
Check out our collection of suites and ties that are perfect for business casual and family events as well.
{% else %}
We are excited to see you soon!
{% endif %}
3. Voucher code:
{{ voucher.31483 }}
This is how the tokens look in the rendered email for females:
This is how the tokens look in the rendered email for males:
Where can you find Personalization-related ESL in the SAP Emarsys Platform?
Every token that you created on the UI has an ESL version, too. You can check the ESL code by clicking on the token that is inserted in the template. Select the Personalization icon and in the pop-up dialog at the bottom you will see the corresponding ESL code. This ESL code can be pasted into the email template.
All ESL code snippets can be written in the email template editor. It is also possible to validate the code.
You can check if your ESL code snippets are valid in the Emarsys Scripting Language snippet dialog.